Week 2 Game Review

FINAL SCORE: Taitais 13 - Ayis 12

AYIs (1-1) TAITAIs (1-1)

TaiTai's get their revenge and draw even on the season series

This week the Ayis just scrubbed under the Taitais, for their first defeat of the season in a thrillingly close match, ending 13-12 in favour of the Taitais.

It was another hot Saturday for lacrosse this past weekend, but there was a special energy in the air, as the players waited in anticipation to start the game and for the epic all-you-can-eat taco bar to follow! The Taitais came out with an almost full roster, with lots of fresh legs, while the Ayis started off the game with only enough to field a team.

The first half saw a strong lead by the Ayis with some key goals by Katie, the opponent washer, Arnold. There was a strong pushback from the Taitais though, as Jesse Porter and Sophie Hu scored early on. The first half ended with a 8-4 lead for the Ayis, although their lack of subs and time in the sun had clearly weakened them.

With the addition of Tori, the house runner, Larson, the tide of battle changed for the Taitais, as she scored some quick goals at the start of the second half. The trio of Jesse Porter, Tori Larson and Suze Van Balveren created some lethal combinations that gained the Taitai’s some quick points to close the gap. In the last few minutes of the game, the betting crowd witnessed a stunning goal by Tori Larson, with a speedy assist from Jesse Porter. The Taitais were then able to stall, while the Ayis tried desperately to pick up that last piece of dust to at least tie the game. The Taitais finished one goal ahead of the Ayis to slide past for the first victory of the new season. 13-12.

The Ayis will be coming out to gain some revenge this coming Saturday, to prove they can still sweep the floor of their rivals. The season looks likely to be one huge showdown between housewives and their cleaners, so come out to join or support us!

Gametime 1pm, Gubei Field.